Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Gabe is doing wonderful!  He has been working out the stud hormones, which maybe because of his age is taking some time.  It is known that it can take as many as six months for him to "forget" what he once was.  He is clearly settling in though with each day and I am constantly introducing him to new horses, moving horses around him, and working him in the presence of horses to try and socialize him further.  We had a very funny moment when I got on my horse with Gabe in the arena.  I am working on ponying him so I can get him out on the trail and keep things interesting.  Gabe lost it, he had never seen a "horse-rider" combo!  It was quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen.   His eyes grew real wide and it took a bit before he was willing to reach out and blow on my hand to prove to himself it was really me.  I could just see him thinking, "I hear her voice, but what is that THING!"  My horse was clearly laughing heartily as well.  Being the smart boy that he is though, it took that one blow on my hand, you could see him say "oh," and that was the end of it.

Unfortunately, because of his unpredictability with other horses we have had to remove him from his pasture mates after nearly a month of calm (not sure what set them off), but I have full faith that he will eventually be able to manage being turned out with the herd.  As for now, he is perfectly happy as a bachelor.  He roams the property by day and is content in his stall at night.  He comes when he is called for scratchings and his two best friends are a pair of minis that take turns keeping him company outside his stall door at night.

Gabe's training is also progressing.  He is more and more relaxed with his ground training with every day.  He is able to concentrate for longer periods and is starting to muscle up a bit.  He is learning to be respectful, but not afraid.  He is working on accepting ropes no matter where they are on his body and following cues.

Gabe has an incredible mind.  He learns concepts with one try and remembers them the next day and the next.  He wants to please and is constantly trying to figure things out.  His current limitations are no fault of his own.  He is very locked up in his body which can set him off exploding as he gets frustrated.  I am working on releasing that tension even while working.  He is starting to get his legs underneath him and his daily progress is noticeable.

I took him on a field trip last weekend to a local trainer, Kent Stough, who is a world-renowned cutting trainer.  I wanted to make sure I was moving in the right direction with Gabe as I do not pretend to be a professional trainer by any means!  I dare say Kent liked the horse quite a bit even though he works almost exclusively with quarter horses.  I was very proud of Gabe as he really made every effort to understand what was being asked.  The rain pounding on the roof of the indoor, the thunder, the cows outside, none of it fazed him.  He is truly a fabulous horse.

My prediction is that he will make a top-notch endurance horse.   I continue to back him to get him used to the idea, but have put aside the real riding training until I can unlock his body a bit more.  I will also continue to put the ground skills on him that any rider would appreciate, but that will make him a wonderful and safe trail horse.

I promise to post pictures soon!

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